Elevate Engagement In Your Trading Community To New Heights

With Wawe, harness the power of analytics, interactivity, and gamification to deliver unparalleled learning experiences to your members

Why Wawe Stands Out?

A New Era of Content Creation

Create Duolingo-like lessons and quizzes that make learning trading skills for your members as easy as picking up a new language

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Analytics That Drive Success

Dive deep into your content's performance with our comprehensive analytics dashboard, designed to help you tailor the perfect learning experience

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Gamification That Excites

Inject fun into finance with experience points and badges for completing lessons and quizzes, fostering a competitive and rewarding learning environment

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A New Era of Content Creation
Analytics That Drive Success
Gamification That Excites

A New Era of Content Creation

Create Duolingo-like lessons and quizzes that make learning trading skills for your members as easy as picking up a new language

Unleash Creativity: Tap into our cutting-edge content builder, offering extensive customization to meet your community's needs

Effortless Management: Organize and share your content with ease, fostering vibrant, Twitter-style discussions that keep your community engaged

A New Era of Content Creation

Analytics That Drive Success

Dive deep into your content's performance with our comprehensive analytics dashboard, designed to help you tailor the perfect learning experience

Insightful Metrics: Continuously improve your content's effectiveness based on real, actionable data

A/B Testing: Experiment with content variations to discover what truly resonates with your audience

Analytics That Drive Success

Gamification That Excites

Inject fun into finance with experience points and badges for completing lessons and quizzes, fostering a competitive and rewarding learning environment

Motivational Rewards: Implement a customizable rewards system that encourages continuous learning and engagement

Competitive Spirit: Spark healthy competition with leaderboards, driving progress and engagement

Gamification That Excites


Here's what we're working on and what's coming next.

  1. Private Beta

    Initial release for our beta users and early adopters

  2. Stable Release

    First stable production release going out live! Follow us on social media and don't miss this huge event!

    Learn more 

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Frequently asked questions

What is Wawe?

Wawe is a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing the way trading communities learn and grow. By combining the power of interactive content, in-depth analytics, and gamification, Wawe enables financial influencers and educators to create immersive, Duolingo-style learning experiences tailored to their audience.

How can content be customized for each lesson or quiz?

Wawe offers extensive content customization options. Creators can select specific financial ticker symbols, choose the timeframes of corresponding data to include, set slide durations up to 5 minutes, and utilize drawing tools and indicators to annotate charts. This allows the content to be tailored to the precise educational goals and audience needs.

How does Wawe incorporate gamification?

Wawe uses gamification to motivate users and make the learning process engaging and rewarding. Creators can assign experience points (XP) and badges to users for completing lessons and quizzes. This taps into the competitive spirit of users and encourages them to continue learning and participating to earn more points and perks.

How can I determine what content format works best for my audience?

Wawe enables A/B testing of content and chart elements. This means you can experiment with different formats, lengths, interactivity, and gamification elements to discover what drives the most engagement and creates the most effective learning environment for your specific audience. The analytics will help you determine what works best.

What are some examples of how quizzes can be used effectively?

Quizzes are useful for scenario-based learning, where users are presented with a market scenario and asked to make trading decisions. They can also test risk management skills by posing questions about evaluating risk/reward and setting stop losses and profit targets. Fill-in-the-blank questions are great for learning financial terminology. The order element allows integrating trade setups into quiz questions.

What data is used for the charts and tickers in the content?

Wawe allows creators to select the specific financial ticker symbols they want to use in their content and the timeframe of data to display, such as 1-minute or 1-hour charts. The platform pulls the relevant data from our trusted providers for the chosen symbols and timeframes. Creators can change the tickers and timeframes from one slide to the next to show different examples in their content.

What types of content can be created on Wawe?

Wawe supports two main types of educational content: 1. Narrated content such as pre-market analysis, trading session reviews, and lessons. These allow the creator to present information using slides with text, visuals, and real-time chart data. 2. Interactive quizzes with question types like true/false, multiple choice, chart element selection, and fill-in-the-blank. Quizzes reinforce lesson content and engage users to apply their knowledge.

What is the character limit for text on slides and in quizzes?

Both the narrated content slides and quiz questions have a character limit of 169 symbols for the text. However, you can incorporate additional text elements directly on the chart and choose the timing of their appearance.

What kind of analytics and reporting does Wawe provide?

Wawe provides detailed analytics and reporting on user engagement with the educational content. The analytics dashboard tracks metrics like slide views, time spent, quiz participation, content revisits, and more. This allows content creators to gain deep insight into what is resonating with their audience and optimize their content accordingly.

Can I create a community for my educational content on Wawe?

Yes, Wawe has features that enable you to build and manage a dedicated community around your content. You can share your lessons and quizzes with your community members and foster an interactive environment where they can engage with the material, complete assignments, and learn collaboratively.

How is content organized in Wawe?

Content in Wawe can be organized into folders by the creator. Folders can be used to structure content in different ways, such as having separate folders for courses and for freeform one-off content like pre-market analysis, post-session reviews, and impromptu skill-building quizzes. This allows both structured curriculums and flexible one-time content.